速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Sri Raghavendra Kavacham

Sri Raghavendra Kavacham





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Sri Raghavendra Kavacham(圖1)-速報App

Raaghavendra Swamy is called as Bhavaroga Vaidya, doctor of worldly sickness. That`s why people keep rushing towards His feet seeking solutions for their problems. Hundreds of devotees have realized by themselves various ways of pleasing Sri Raayaru. This divine sight of Sri Rayaru acts like a bullet-proof jacket and protects us from all sorts of diseases. Hence this stothra is very meaningfully called Sri Raghavendra Kavacham. It provide a get lot of peace of mind, It is the Most authentic Kavacham and Bless you. Most of them like to enjoy the pleasure of Chanting everyday.

Sri Raghavendra Kavacham(圖2)-速報App

Sri Raghavendra Kavacham(圖3)-速報App

Sri Raghavendra Kavacham(圖4)-速報App